10 Best Sales Voicemail Scripts for Successful Cold Calling

Best voicemail scripts for cold calling

Cold calling remains a vital way for sales professionals to approach prospects; however, getting prospects to engage with your message is tough. According to Marketsplash, only 15% of customers listen to voicemails left from a cold call. It highlights the need to craft compelling voicemail scripts that are easy to understand and impossible to ignore.

In an era of short attention spans and intense competition, leaving an effective voicemail can distinguish your business from others and impress your prospects. A well-constructed voicemail script can help you break through the noise and encourage them to engage with your brand.

What Makes a Good Voicemail Script?

A strong voicemail script should be professional, informative, concise, and easy to understand to grab listeners' attention. Since voicemail is the first impression, your script must be compelling and polished to develop credibility and foster trust with potential clients. Additionally, implementing voicemail transcription ensures that your message is accessible in written form, allowing recipients to quickly understand the content.

Good voicemail scripts include clarity, conciseness, personalization, a value proposition, and a strong call to action. Avoiding complicated terms makes conveying the right message easier. A voicemail should only last 20 to 30 seconds to help people concentrate on the important information rather than any other information.

Common Voicemail Mistakes

Leaving a voicemail may seem straightforward, but it is important to avoid common mistakes that can reduce voicemail effectiveness and decrease the chances of getting a callback. Some common mistakes include speaking too quickly, leaving vague messages, and not repeating key information.

  1. Speaking Too Quickly: One of the most common mistakes is speaking too quickly. If your message is rushed, the recipient may struggle to understand any key information, such as your business name and the purpose of your call.
  2. Leaving Vague Messages: A vague voicemail leaves the recipient unsure of what you want, making it less likely they will return your call. Therefore, be specific about why you’re calling and what action you’d recommend them to take.
  3. Failing to Include a Call-to-Action: Without a clear call-to-action, the recipient might not know what you expect them to do next. Always include a specific request, such as calling you back at a particular time or visiting your website for more information.
  4. Not Repeating Key Information: If you only say your business name or offerings once, the recipient may miss it, especially if they’re busy or distracted. Repeat your brand and offerings at the beginning and end of the message to ensure they have all the necessary details.
  5. Sounding Monotonous or Uninterested: Your tone of voice can significantly impact how your message is received. If you sound bored or disinterested, the recipient may not feel compelled to return your call. Use an energetic and friendly tone to convey enthusiasm and professionalism.

10 Examples of Cold Call Voicemail Scripts that Work

Crafting an effective voicemail script for cold calling can be the difference between getting a callback and being ignored. Here are ten examples of cold call voicemail scripts that are clear, concise, and designed to engage the recipient.

1. The Straightforward Approach

  • "Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I wanted to discuss how our [Product/Service] can help you with [specific issue]. Please call me back at [Your Number] at your earliest convenience. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you."

2. The Value Proposition

  • "Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We specialize in [specific benefit] and could add significant value to your [industry/business]. Please call me at [Your Number] to discuss how we can help. I look forward to connecting."

3. The Referral Mention

  • "Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. [Referrer’s Name] suggested I contact you regarding [specific need]. I’d love to chat about how we can support your goals. You can reach me at [Your Number]. Thanks."

4. The Problem Solver

  • "Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed that [Recipient’s Company] has been facing [specific challenge]. We have a solution that could help. Please call me at [Your Number] to discuss this further."

5. The Urgency Approach

  • "Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I’m reaching out because our limited-time offer on [Product/Service] could greatly benefit your business. Call me back at [Your Number] today to learn more."

6. The Question-Driven Script

  • Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I have a quick question about your current [specific process/product]. Please call me back at [Your Number] when you can. I look forward to hearing from you."

7. The Success Story

  • "Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We recently helped [similar company] achieve [specific result], and I believe we can do the same for you. Please call me at [Your Number] to discuss how."

8. The Introduction

  • "Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We’re new to your area, and I’d love to introduce you to our [Product/Service]. Please call me back at [Your Number] to see how we can help your business."

9. The Follow-Up

  • "Hi [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I’m following up on the email I sent about [specific issue] last week. I’d love to chat further. Please call me at [Your Number] when you can."

10. The Event Invitation

  • "Hello [Recipient’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We’re hosting an event on [date] that I think you’d find valuable. Please call me at [Your Number] for information. I hope to see you there."

5 Cold Calling Tips For Improved Sales

Cold calling can be challenging but highly effective with the right approach since you deal with your prospect in person. But before approaching them, go through a background check, know your objective, and focus on maintaining a good conversation.

5 cold calling tips for improved sales

1. Research Your Prospect

Before making a cold call, take the time to research your prospect. Understand the business, industry, and potential pain points. A personalized approach shows that you truly care about them and reflects professionalism.

2. Have a Clear Objective

Setting up a meeting, getting the prospect to visit your website, or having a clear objective helps you stay focused and direct during the call. It makes it easier for the prospect to understand your offering.

3. Use a Strong Opening

Use a strong, attention-grabbing opening that clearly states who you are and why you’re calling. Using a formal tone helps the customer to communicate with trust.

4. Listen More Than You Talk

Listen carefully to the customer's responses and use that information to guide them. Ask open-ended questions if necessary, and focus on their needs rather than your product, which builds trust and demonstrates that you’re there to help.

5. Follow Up Consistently

Consistent follow-up is essential in turning initial interest into a closed deal. After the call, make a personalized follow-up call that supports your key points and provides additional value. Stay in touch regularly and keep the relationship warm until the prospect is ready to move forward.


Mastering the art of cold calling and leaving effective voicemail messages is essential for improving sales and building strong customer relationships. By crafting well-thought-out voicemail scripts, avoiding common mistakes, and following critical tips for successful cold calls, you can significantly enhance your chances of getting a positive response from prospects.

Calilio allows you to refine your cold calling strategy by analyzing past calls and understanding what works best—using features like call recording, call analytics, and voicemail transcription. The voicemail transcription feature helps you keep track of messages left by prospects, ensuring you take advantage of every follow-up opportunity. Call analytics provide valuable insights into call performance and help you identify trends and areas for improvement.

You can optimize your voicemail scripts and cold-calling techniques by using Calilio’s advanced features, leading to better engagement and improved sales outcomes in 2025.

Set Your Objectives and Track Call Outcomes with Calilio’s Advanced Call Management System.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Example of a Great Cold Call?

A great cold call takes place when you approach your prospect with enough research and the correct objective. Your call should represent your brand, be concise, and maintain professionalism. For example:

Hi, I'm [YOUR NAME] from [COMPANY]. I'm calling you because we are so good at addressing [PROBLEM]. Since [PROSPECT'S COMPANY] does [INDUSTRY], I imagine you might be looking for a solution.

What Are Good Cold Call Times?

Most nations have preset rules for cold calling. As per the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) of the US, you can make a cold call only before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. (local time).

How Long Should a Cold Call Voicemail Be?

A perfect cold call should be about 20-30 seconds long, not too lengthy nor too short.

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