How Can You Access Your Voicemail From Another Phone?

how to check voicemail from another phone

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Voicemail is a recorded voice message left by a caller that is retrieved later by the receiver to prevent communication gaps even during a busy schedule. Suppose your profession requires you to be busy most of the time. In that case, you can rely on voicemail to receive important messages and never miss critical deals or business information.

But what if you no longer have access to your mobile phone, whether because you have misplaced it, given it for a repair, or its battery has run out? In that case, you should check your voicemails from another phone. But how can you do it?

When Does the Calls Goes to Voicemail?

Your incoming calls might go to voicemail when you are unreachable due to network issues, your phone is off, or you’re on another call.

when does the calls goes to voicemail.webp


  1. Network issues: All mobile carriers face network problems at times. If you are in a place with no coverage, you will seem unreachable and get voicemails instead of calls.
  2. Phone switched off: If your phone's battery dies or is switched off, your incoming calls may go directly to voicemail.
  3. Busy: If you are already on a call when someone else tries to call you, the incoming call will likely go to voicemail.

How Do You Check Voicemail From Another Phone?

Not all phone carriers allow voicemail access from a different phone. However, those phone carriers who allow voicemail access from a different phone require you to enter a specific PIN code and follow the steps below:

  1. Dial your phone number.
  2. Wait for the voicemail greeting, then press asterisk (*) or hash (#).
  3. Listen to the prompt and enter the PIN code.
  4. Press hash (#) to confirm your PIN code.
  5. Follow the next prompt to listen to your voicemail.


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Alternatives Ways to Check Your Voicemails from Another Phone

To avoid such problems, you can opt for options such as call forwarding and using VoIP. These methods can prevent your chances of missing any important information and always keep you updated even without using your phone.

Call forwarding

Call forwarding is a call feature that lets you direct incoming calls to any other telephone number,  voicemail, or personal cell phone number you choose. It can be customized for your personal use or professional with respect to your needs.

If you are a business person, use call forwarding to eliminate the chances of missing important calls when busy or away from the office. Similarly, call forwarding allows you to create custom schedules based on business hours, holidays, and caller IDs.

Switching to VoIP

Information like your PIN, and it also costs you hidden fees. Using an online voicemail service eases sending and receiving voicemails by letting you access your voicemail through an app from any device, anywhere, and at any time.

When considering VoIP phone service, you can access voicemails remotely without depending on a single device. Calilio is a VoIP-powered business phone system with a voicemail-to-email feature. When you get a voicemail, it sends it to your email address, so you can read it from a different platform using different devices.

Beyond voicemail-to-email, Calilio offers a range of voicemail features to make your business communication manageable and efficient.



Voicemail to emailForward voice messages automatically to your email
Voicemail transcriptionConverts voice messages into readable text
Visual VoicemailProvides caller ID details, message length, and timestamp
Voicemail greetingsPersonalize professional greetings to enhance brand image
Voicemail FilterSorts incoming voice messages to prioritize responses efficiently
CallBox IntegrationManage voicemails within a unified communications platform

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my voicemail from another phone?

A common way to check your voicemail from another phone is to call your phone number, press the * or # key, and then follow the prompt. This process depends on your mobile phone carrier and may even charge extra fees.

How Do I Check My Voicemail Internationally?

You can contact your mobile carrier and follow their prompt to check your voicemail internationally. Virtual voicemail offers greater flexibility, using which you can check your voicemail without any geographical restrictions and only requires internet connectivity.

Does VoIP Require A Telephone?

VoIP operates under the internet and usually only requires a computer or mobile application. Some VoIP service providers, however, require a particular VoIP phone. You will require a VoIP adapter if you already have a traditional phone and want to convert it into a VoIP phone.

How Much Does VoIP Cost?

VoIP services are subscription-based and cancelable, ranging from USD 10 to USD 30 per monthly user. Depending on the VoIP provider, you can pick a plan to pay monthly, quarterly, or annually.

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