How to Deal with Angry Customers?

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Angry customers are an integral part of any business. Clients who are unsatisfied with the service or products reach support teams, and this is where staff need to put their excellent communication skills to work. The relationship between the public and the company depends upon the response and how the staff handles that situation.

How the problem is dealt with can either break or damage the company's reputation. Hence, knowing how to deal with angry customers becomes extremely important.

Why Do the Customers Get Angry? (4 Common Reasons)

Customers commonly get angry due to unmet expectations, poor communication, personal issues, and being ignored by the support staff. Understanding these reasons can help you comprehend the situation better and find a quick solution.

Poor Service or Product Quality

People usually have high expectations and become furious when they receive something that does not meet them. Irritated buyers become rude to the staff as they are the only channel for communication with the company. Poor quality products include shipping damages or manufacturing defects.

Accessibility to Customer Service

Even minor problems can quickly become frustrating for clients without immediate solutions. If a Customer Service Representative(CSR) is not easily accessible, it makes them anxious and annoyed. Most of the time, talking to support staff reduces their anger.

Put on Hold for Too Long

Waiting for a long time to discuss problems is a mood destroyer. Clients waiting long to report a problem that staff can solve within minutes will surely get angry. Making someone wait for too long gives the impression of poor support from the company.

Personal Problems

People with personal problems also get hyped up for negligible issues in products or services and can react unnecessarily to the agent. The inconveniences caused by the product may make them highly reactive. This situation is out of the agent's control. However, active listening and empathizing with them can calm these people.


Use Live Call Monitoring to Deal with Angry Customers

Supervise client interactions to analyze and improve call quality. Live call monitoring provides real-time agent coaching to better deal with angry customers.

Best Tips to Deal with Angry Customers

To deal with angry customers, start by apologizing, keep yourself calm and composed during the counseling process, and provide them with the right solutions for their problems.

Active Listening

In some cases, people just want to be heard. Sharing their problems might take some heat off of them. Let them know you understand their issues and will try to resolve them. After listening to their concerns, you need to make sure that you know their situations correctly. Always ensure you understand their issues and give a quick solution as soon as possible.

Maintain Your Composure

An enraged consumer might scream, curse, and be rude to you. As a company representative, you can’t just mirror their bad behavior, even when it is worse. Rude clients test your limit of patience. Losing your cool can worsen the situation. Stay cool and calm, listen, and talk to them professionally.

Acknowledge and Apologize

Understanding and resolving people's problems are the objectives of CSRs. But before that, acknowledging the clients, even when they are being disrespectful, is a must. Thank them for sharing the problem with you. Take responsibility for the issue and apologize for causing it, even if it was not your fault. An apology from a responsible party might decrease their level of eagerness.

Positive Calm Tone of Voice

Using positive words and phrases can give comfort to angry customers. Directly using negative words such as ‘No’ and ‘I can’t’ makes them more frustrated and angry. Positive communication makes a lot of difference. So, remaining calm and using positive words prevent the situation from worsening and calm the angry person, too.

Don’t Take Anything Personally

When you take the complaints personally, you risk being emotional and mirroring the customer's behavior. Getting emotional might lead you to make the situation worse. Also, don't be too focused on the angry person's language; try to find the root cause and find a solution. Dealing with an enraged person with a foul mouth becomes manageable if you don’t take it personally.

Provide the Right Solution as Fast as You Can

People with complaints are primarily motivated by getting the right solution as quickly as possible. Customers get angry and rude when waiting for a delayed solution. So, as an agent, you should find a solution as soon as possible and resolve the problem, turning customers' outrage into high satisfaction.

Connect with the Manager When Needed

As an agent, you must hand over calls to your manager or immediate supervisor if the situation gets out of your control. People listen and are less hostile towards the person in a higher authority. So, to control the situation, make sure to have the supervisor handle the situation. As soon as the senior talks to them, they know the issue is being taken seriously and managed by the higher-level employee.

Follow Up, If Needed

Always make sure that your clients are delighted with the solution. If there is no immediate resolution, follow up with them with updates. A simple follow-up mentioning that the team is seeking a solution might lessen the anger. Sometimes, due to many complaints, agents may forget the client's follow-ups. In those cases, be ready to apologize for the late reply and assure that there will be no delay from now on.

End the Conversation on Time

Ending the conversation would be ideal when the conversation gets too abusive or threatening. Continuing the interaction will take a toll on your mental health only. While handling a rude buyer over the phone, hanging up should be the last option if the condition worsens, even after involving the immediate senior. So, knowing when to end the call is crucial for handling such instances.

Is It Necessary to Handle These Angry Customers?

Handling an enraged client who comes to the contact center is a must. If not, then they can be the most risky to the business. Business is about word of mouth, so a furious buyer can discourage others from engaging with the company.

Sometimes, unsatisfied and unhappy buyers express their anger on social media platforms. In this era of social media, there are cases of companies shutting down just because of negative reviews from upset buyers. These irritated people do negative company marketing, which directly affects the business.

Every second spent counseling angry customers to make them happy is worth it for the business. So, staff should address the clients' concerns as it increases the chance to change their rage into calmness and make them loyal to your business.


Dealing with angry customers is an opportunity to turn them into loyal potential consumers for the future. Maintaining composure, listening actively, and offering quick resolutions are important when interacting with angry buyers. Plus, taking care of your mental health is as essential as taking care of upset clients.

To better deal with angry customers, use Calilio, which provides features such as live call monitoring to keep track of your agents and guide them in need. It also provides a sentimental analysis that shows whether the conversation was positive or negative. Sign up today for better customer communication to have high client retention.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Refuse an Angry Customer?

You can refuse by describing the condition positively so that the client won’t be upset and will come to the same terms as you. Instead of saying “no,” saying “I completely understand your points” or “I know where you are coming from”  makes them understand your point of view.

How Do You Handle Angry Customers?

The checklists for handling angry clients are given below.


  • Active Listening
  • Understand their problems
  • Maintain your composure
  • Acknowledge and Apologize
  • Calm tone of voice
  • Don't take anything personally
  • Use positive language only
  • Connect with the manager when needed
  • Provide the right solution as fast as you can
  • Follow up with the problem’s solution
  • End the conversation on time
  • Highlight the issue.

What Can You Avoid When Dealing with Angry Customers?

When dealing with rude customers, being defensive, giving slow responses, putting their problems aside, being disrespectful to them, not giving the best solutions, and over-promising are things to avoid. Also, refrain from going against your company just to make the client feel better, as it makes the company look unreliable.

How Do You End the Conversation with a Rude Customer?

Conversation can be ended politely, just as when you started the conversation. You might be drained while handling angry customers at the end of the conversation, but be patient and lead the discussion towards the end. Ending the conversation is the last option if persons in higher authority are already involved or you have permission to do so.

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