What is a CSAT Score? Understand Customer Satisfaction Metrics

a man using a phone to rate the score

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Satisfaction of customers is an integral part of elevating customer service, establishing your brand and maintaining customer loyalty. Even a 1% increase in customer satisfaction can increase the rate of customer retention by 5%. Hence, businesses across distinct industries invest in customer service to facilitate customers with feedback and communication.

Only informed investment can give a good outcome however, generally there is a difference between customers’ wants and businesses’ customer satisfaction approach. CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) is a popular and effective method that businesses can use to identify their customers satisfaction rate, pain points and improve in the targeted area.

What is a CSAT Score?

CSAT is a key performance indicator (KPI) organizations use to measure the customer satisfaction level of their products or services. It ranges from 0% to 100%; a higher percentage indicates higher customer satisfaction.

CSAT score helps you analyze the user experience of targeted or overall features of a product/service. It can help a business identify areas for improvement, address issues, avoid future risks, assess training needs for the team, and ultimately grow customer loyalty. Some other reasons the score can be meaningful for a business are:

  • Customize service and increase customer retention.
  • Gain direct feedback on current and potential issues.
  • Empathize with your customers and build a professional brand reputation.
  • Evaluate team efficiency and take steps for improvement.

How to Measure CSAT?

Measuring CSAT scores involves collecting several data. Below are the steps to measure your business’s customer satisfaction score.

STEP 1: Design short, readable survey questions using scales and radio buttons that are easy for the participants to fill out.

STEP 2: Distribute surveys via email, phone calls, in-app, or on-site, whichever is most convenient for you, and collect the responses.

STEP 3: Add all positive responses and use the formula below to measure the CSAT score.

CSAT = (Sum of All Positive Responses/ Total Responses) x 100)

For example,  if you gathered 50 responses, out of which 30 are positive, then your CSAT is 60% (30/ 50 = 0.6 x 100).

Note: Many organizations use the 5-point scale method when designing survey questions for CSAT. The 5-point scale is a satisfaction scale from 1 to 5, where 1 denotes highly dissatisfied with the interaction and 5 denotes highly satisfied. Compared to long, complicated questions, it is easy and quick for the customers to react to.

When Should You Measure CSAT?

While there is no standard time to measure CSAT, companies may calculate it weekly, monthly, or annually. However, data collected at certain touch points along the customer journey are more authentic than others. The customer touchpoints are the interaction points in your business during the customers’ purchasing process.

One way to obtain the most accurate feedback is to distribute the survey to customers as soon as they interact with you. Right after an interaction, the customer’s experience is fresh in their mind, so the feedback they provide is naturally genuine, accurate, and meaningful.

Measuring CSAT at various touch points, like after buying a product or receiving customer support, can help identify areas for improvement at different stages, allowing you to tailor your business approach and enhance customer contentment.

What is a Good CSAT Score?

Many industries aim for a CSAT score above 70%, representing greater customer satisfaction. However, multiple factors, such as business size, niche, and geographical region, can lead to variations in a good CSAT score.

Larger companies find it challenging to obtain high CSAT scores due to the complexity of managing a more extensive customer base. On the other hand, smaller companies find it easier to provide personalized service to their customers.

Similarly, cultural differences and regional expectations impact customers’ perception of and rate their experiences.


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CSAT, NPS, and CES are three popular KPIs for measuring a business's relationship with its customers. Although the aim of all three indicators sounds similar, revolving around customer satisfaction, the process and intention are completely different.

NPS, or Net Promoter Score, measures the number of promoters willing to recommend your product to others. CES, or Customer Effort Score, evaluates the effort customers need to put into interacting with your business.

While NPS focuses on the number of promoters, CES uses both promoters and detractors. In contrast, CSAT measures the percentage of happy customers of your product more granularly.

MeasuresCustomer satisfactionCustomer loyaltyCustomer effort
Deals withQuality of product/serviceNumber of brand promotersEase to reach the brand
UseImprove customer serviceImprove product/serviceSimplify the usability of product/service

How to Use CSAT For Your Business?

You use the CSAT score to better understand your customers and improve their experience. It also guides you to consider specific business strategies and improve your organization’s operational flow.

uses csat on business

Customize Customer Service

A CSAT score can help you customize your support team to make customers feel valued for enhanced customer service. You can use customer feedback to predict or address issues before they grow. It demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and preventing further dissatisfaction.

Find Customer Advocates For Marketing

CSAT scores serve not only as a customer service metric but also as a powerful marketing tool. When the customers use your product and have a good experience with it, they are likely to become your brand advocates.

A good personal experience allows customers to convince and recommend others to try your product. Additionally, CSAT survey data can highlight common user pain points, which can be communicated to customers. You can also maintain transparency by sharing positive CSAT scores with customers to build trust.

Encourage Loyal Customers With Rewards

Loyalty programs are an effective way to engage and encourage customers to give their feedback while collecting CSAT data. Studying the CSAT data helps you identify loyal customers and create special rewards. It can motivate your customers to maintain positive engagement with your brand and build brand recognition and reputation.

Train Your Team If Needed

CSAT feedback is essential for identifying issues with your team members and deciding their efficiency. By identifying your team members’ weak points, you may organize training opportunities to improve their soft skills and technical skills.

Progress Analysis

You can also compare your organization’s progress by analyzing CSAT data taken at different times. You can monitor scores before and after implementing modifications to assess their effectiveness. This gives your business a convenient opportunity to identify doable and efficient approaches, explore different solutions, and enhance the overall satisfaction of both users and employees.

How to Increase Your CSAT Score?

Maintaining good customer satisfaction levels is essential for the success of any business. Here are 15 practical ways to improve your CSAT score.

  1. Train your teammates with tools and techniques to approach clients and maintain good relations.
  2. Take quick actions to answer queries and address dissatisfaction.
  3. Analyze overall customer satisfaction throughout the touchpoints and customer lifecycle.
  4. Reach out to negative responders and discuss the reason behind their CSAT rating.
  5. Review support interactions to analyze approaches that work.
  6. Prioritize actionable feedback.
  7. Set goals after obtaining your current CSAT score
  8. Ask the right and easy-to-answer questions
  9. Deliver omnichannel support so that diverse users can reach out to you.
  10. Provide personalized support.
  11. Adapt to technology advancements and automation to reduce response times.
  12. Provide a self-service option.
  13. Focus on employee satisfaction equally.
  14. Know your audience touchpoints.
  15. Give self-service opportunities by creating a customer community.

Get Actionable Insights To Drive Retention With Calilio

Measuring customer experience requires more than a single metric. A thorough analysis of each touchpoint data throughout the journey helps you measure an overall CSAT score. Data is valuable because it can provide immediate, specific, and straightforward insights into customer sentiment. Calilio, with its call analytics feature, enables you to extract powerful insights into customer interaction and employee productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scoring system for customer satisfaction?

The scoring system for customer satisfaction, or CSAT, ranges from 0% to 100%. It represents the percentage of customers who are satisfied with a product or service. Higher percentages indicate greater satisfaction.

What is NPS and CSAT?

While NPS (Net Promoter Score) measures customer loyalty by asking how likely customers are to recommend a product, CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) gauges satisfaction with specific products or services, typically on a scale from 1 to 5.

How do you measure customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is measured by surveys, in which customers rate their satisfaction with a product or service. The CSAT score is calculated as the percentage of positive responses out of the total responses.

What is a good CSAT score?

A good CSAT score typically exceeds 70%, indicating that most customers are satisfied with the product or service. However, the benchmark can vary by industry and region.

What is CSAT score 1 to 10?

CSAT scores usually use a 5-point scale, but some surveys may use a 1 to 10 scale. On this scale, scores from 1 to 6 indicate dissatisfaction, 7 to 8 are neutral, and 9 to 10 indicate high satisfaction.

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