114 Area Code

Get 114 Area Code Numbers For Local Presence in Sheffield

A 114 area code number is a single area code covering the entire Sheffield. By obtaining the 114 area code phone number on Calilio, your business can appear more accessible and reliable to customers in Sheffield.

interface of dialing sheffield virtual phone number

Search 114 area code virtual phone numbers

Search through our available 114 area code numbers and pick the one that aligns with your business identity and goals.

History of Area Code 029?

The 029 area code was introduced on 22nd April 2000 to serve the Cardiff region. This change was made after the big UK initiative called “Big Number Change”.

The “Big Number Change” was necessary to address the growing need for additional numbers in the UK. Previously, Cardiff used the 01222 area code. The new 029 code provides a wider range of available numbers, creating a more efficient system for assigning phone lines.

Why Does Your Business Need a 029 Phone Number?

Calilio provides numerous advantages for the companies looking to grow their reach in Cardiff market. From building customer trusts to optimizing marketing strategies, these local numbers will make an impact on your business's success.

Local Presence

Build Trust

Improved Customer Services

Local Marketings


How to Get a 029 Area Code Phone Number?

Getting a 029 virtual phone number has become more effective with Calilio. You just need to provide the basic details and pick your number.


Create a free Calilio account by providing basic details like your name and email.


Choose any of our plans that fit with your business requirements and budgets.


Go to “Settings>>Phone Numbers>> Purchase Number” and select your preferred number with the 029 phone code.


Complete the payment using the available options to own your selected virtual number.


After activation, customize your number's settings and features to match your business needs.

Already have a Cardiff Phone Number?

If your business already owns a 029 area code number, you can easily port it to Calilio and enjoy the advanced VoIP features.

029 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth

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Unified Callbox

029 virtual number allows you to receive and manage all of your business from different platforms using the dashboard.
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Voicemail to Email

Get all your voice messages directly in your email. This way, you will never miss any important calls, even during your off time.
AI Sentiment Analysis icon

AI Sentiment Analysis

It allows you to identify the sentiment and get real-time data about the satisfied and unsatisfied customers' rates.
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Music on Hold

Set the customized music like your company anthem or any information to engage your customers while they are on hold.

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For Virtual 114 Number?

When you choose Calilio for the virtual 114 number, you equip your business with the most advanced communication system. Our robust technology ensures that every call is clear and without disruptions. Moreover, our activation process is efficient; it only takes a few simple steps to connect with the growing business market of Sheffield.

Superior Call Quality

Experience crystal-clear call quality. Using our Sheffield area code number, your communication is always professional and uninterrupted.

a girl is calling from laptop

Easy Activation Process

Get your number up and running in no time. Connect with your Sheffield customers without hassle.

siignup process of calilio

Cost-Effective Solutions

Our competitive pricing and flexible plans provide cost-effective communication solutions tailored to your business needs.

pricing paln of calilio

24/7 Customer Support

If you encounter any issue with your Sheffield phone number, the solution is just a call away, no matter the time.

a girl is providing 24 hour service to clint

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Area Codes



























029 area code for cardiff

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For 029 Number?

Calilio offers a reliable VoIP service with advance business features at lower rates that is associated with user-friendly dashboard. With us, you have the freedom to make your own customized plans by selecting the only features that matter to you. You only need to pay for what you use.

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Advanced Features

Calilio’s 029 phone number come packed with various advanced features like AI sentiment analysis and voice transcription that rarely other providers offer.

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Competitive Pricing

Our different varieties of plans and pricing make sure that every type of business can easily afford the VoIp phone system for their business.

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Customizable Features

Our features are mostly customizable so that the business can update them according to their needs and requirements.

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24/7 Customer Support

At Calilio, the dedicated customer support team is always available to assist with every kind of Cardiff phone number query.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is calling from 029?

What is the cost of getting a 029 phone number?

Expand to the Diverse Market of the Cardiff

Get your Cardiff number and expand your business to their diverse and vibrant market. It allows you to strengthen your connection with the regional customers.

International Number

Get International Numbers

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