Search 563 Area Code Virtual Phone Numbers
Calilio offers a range of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) numbers. Review our packages and select a number with the 563 area code that aligns with your business requirements.
Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.
Area Code 563 Location
Geographically, the 563 area code lies on the north bank of the Mississippi River. The largest of the Quad Cities utilizing it is Davenport, Iowa. The population within the area code is over 577K, with Davenport accounting for approximately 101,724 residents.
In addition, this area code serves much more than just Davenport. It is home to 27 cities, including Dubuque, Bettendorf, Clinton, and Muscatine, and also covers 16 counties, including Scott, Dubuque, Clinton, Winneshiek, and Cedar.
All regions using area code 563 follow the Central Time Zone (CT), which is 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-6).
Cities Total Population County 101,724 59,667 39,102 24,469 23,797 7,587 6,726 6,128 5,065 4,710 4,570 3,149 3,888 3,827 2,503Davenport Scott Dubuque Dubuque Bettendorf Scott Clinton Clinton Muscatine Muscatine Decorah Winneshiek Eldrige Scott Maquoketa Jackson Manchester Delaware Le Clarie Scott Camanche Clinton Tipton Cedar Cresco Howard Waukon Allamakee Postville Allamakee
History of 563 Area Code
Area code 563 came into operation on March 25, 2001, as the 291st area code in service. It was created as a split from the 319 area code, which originally covered a larger portion of eastern Iowa.
The decision to create this new area code was driven by the increasing number of telephone users. The 563 area code was introduced as the fifth area code in the state, which currently has a total of five: 319, 515, 563, 641, and 712.

Exploring 563 Area Code Region: Davenport’s Business Scenario and Outlook
Davenport is the ideal location for business, as it promotes a skilled and diverse workforce across different sectors. It is also known as the economic engine of the larger Quad Cities metro area that is home to several successful Fortune 500 companies, including Kraft Heinz, Sterilite Corporation, Genesis Health System, St. Ambrose University, Nestle Purina, Sears Manufacturing, and Jhon Deere.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the top industries for the City of Davenport are educational, healthcare, social assistance, manufacturing, professional, scientific, retail, and management services.
The cost of living is pretty fair in “Iowa’s Front Porch,” as the median and average household income are $64,428 and $77,764, respectively. As of recent statistics, the unemployment rate in Davenport is approximately 5.1% (July 2024), which indicates a stable job market.
563 Phone Area Code as a Communication Tool for Business Growth
Call History
View detailed records of past calls, including duration and caller information, for deeper insights.
Call Masking
Safeguard your contact details by hiding the actual phone number to maintain privacy.
Real-Time Dashboard
Monitor live call data, agent performance, and key metrics in one interactive dashboard.
Bulk SMS Campaigns
Send mass text messages efficiently to multiple recipients for marketing or informational purposes simultaneously.
Why Does Your Firm Need a 563 Area Code Number?
From expanding your business reach to providing customer convenience, area code 563 provides numerous advantages.

Market Reach Expansion
Improves Brand Image
No Long Distance Fees
Customer Convenience
How to Get a 563 Phone Number?
Follow these straightforward steps to set up your own phone number.

Sign up with Calilio.

Pick a VoIP package.

Choose a 563 number.

Complete your payment.

Activate the number, and you are ready to use it.
Port Your Local 563 Number to Calilio
Retain your familiar 563 phone area code by porting it to Calilio. Upgrade to the advanced VoIP feature without losing your established identity.

Reasons to Choose Calilio for 563 Phone Area Code
Choosing Calilio for the 563 phone number provides several benefits, including superior call quality, affordable pricing, a user-friendly interface, and strong security measures.

Security and Privacy
We offer the highest level of security, implementing data encryption and protecting against potential breaches. Our objective is to provide users with a secure platform.

Affordable Pricing
Calilio’s monthly plan is comparatively low compared to other providers, starting at just $12 per user/month.

Superior-Call Quality
We focus on providing high call quality utilizing HD audio and noise cancellation technologies, ensuring clear and hassle-free communication.

User-Friendly Interface
Our user-friendly platform provides straightforward access to essential features, ensuring a seamless experience for all consumers without the need for extensive technical knowledge.