301 Area Code

Get 301 Area Code Numbers For Local Presence in Germantown, Maryland

Integrate a 301 area code phone number into your business communication strategy to establish a strong local presence in Maryland. Improve customer engagement and reinforce the brand’s reputation using a local number. Make it easier for regional customers to reach you.

dialing 301 area code number on a smart phone screen

Search Virtual Phone Numbers With the Area Code 301

Check out the available 301 virtual phone number on Calilio. Pick your number for effective business communication in Germantown, Maryland.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where is 301 Area Code Location?

Area code 301 is a significant city in Germantown, serving the western and central parts of Maryland, with a population of around 4,670,702. Major cities in this area code include Silvertown, Silver Spring, Waldorf, Cumberland, Frederick, and Rockville.

This area code is also popular for serving a part of the Greater Washington, D.C. metro area alongside western Maryland. It touches 11 counties, including Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, and Frederick.

301 area code operates in the Eastern Time Zone (ET). It observes 2 time standards throughout the year - Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and Eastern Saving Time (EST). Eastern Daylight Time is typically four hours behind UTC/GMT. On the other hand, Eastern Saving Time generally is five hours behind UTC/GMT.

Popular Cities

Total Population







Silver Spring
















Prince Georges's

History of 301 Area Code

Area code 301 was one of the first original area codes for the entire Maryland, established in 1947. Over time, as the need for telephone numbers increased, a new 410 area code was also created in 1991 to serve the eastern part of the state. As a result, western and southern Maryland were placed under the 301 area code. It faced limitations of phone numbers in the 1990s. Area code 240 was added as an overlay to the 301 phone number to minimize this issue.

This change required residents to adopt 10-digit dialing, leading to dissatisfaction among users. In June 2023, a third code, 227, was added to the area, making the latest change.

Today, 301 telephone numbers serve the communication needs of more than 1.5 million people in Maryland.

phone call between traditional phone line and modern phone

Exploring 301 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook

The 301 phone area code is home to burgeoning industries that focus on biotechnology, education, healthcare, and defense.

The median household income in this region is $116,360. Likewise, the unemployment rate is 6.7%, below the national average unemployment rate in the United States. Moreover, in 2024, the survival rate for new business establishments in Maryland is approximately 78.6% for those that survive their first year.

Port Your Local 301 Number To Calilio

Utilize Calilio’s number porting service to simply port your current 301 virtual phone number. Upgrade to advanced VoIP without losing your current number.

301 Area Code Number as a Communication Tool for Business Growth

call analytics icon

Call Analytics

Use the insights of detailed call analytics to improve business strategies or call handling in Germantown.

Interactive voice response icon

IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

Manage calls and improve service quality. Connect business and guide callers through a customized menu.

call screening icon

Call screening

Prioritize important calls with customized screening settings that suit your needs. It provides real-time notifications for critical calls.

Click to Call

Make instant calls from a website with just one click without manual input. This makes your workflow more efficient and seamless.

Why Does Your Business Need 301 Area Code Number?

301 number provides a professional image to attract and retain customers in the vibrant market of Maryland. This local number fosters trust, facilitating the connection rate in Germantown.

How to Get a 301 Phone Area Code Number?


Create a Calilio account. Enter your details and verify your email address.


Select the right VoIP plan for your business.


Purchase a new number or port an existing 301 phone number.


Customize features for your 301 phone number.


Assign numbers to your team members, and you are ready.

call management interface with featuring various settings

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For 301 Phone Area Code?

Calilio’s 301 virtual number is a cost-effective business communication solution for your Germantown business. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the management of phone numbers and settings, allowing businesses to customize their communication strategies easily.

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Cost-Effective Communication

Calilio offers affordable plans for 301 area code numbers. We aid businesses in maintaining professional communication while saving on operational costs.

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Superior-Quality Calls

Take advantage of Calilio's superior call quality to ensure clear and reliable communications with customers. This high-quality service improves customer experience, increasing engagement and satisfaction.

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User-Friendly Interface

Calilio provides a user-friendly interface, making it easier for businesses to manage communication networks for better customer service. Businesses can easily navigate features to focus on customer interaction.

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Customizable Settings

Customize settings according to your business requirements, whether adjusting call routing or unlocking other features with Calilio. You can tailor their communication strategies yourself to improve customer relationships and brand recognition.

Nearby Area Codes


Area Codes

District of Columbia202, 771

223, 717

Germantown227, 240, 301


Erie582, 814

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 301 a Canadian phone number?

What is the area code for Maryland?

Is the 301 phone code toll-free?

What area codes overlay area code 301?

Can I port my existing 301 number to Calilio?

Connect Your Business in Germantown With 301 Area Code.

Get a 301 phone number from Calilio today to access the Germantown business market. Build instant connections with local customers and foster your business growth.

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