612 Area Code

Get 612 Area Code Numbers for Local Presence in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Expand your business reach in Minneapolis after buying a 612 area code number from Calilio. Establish a regional identity, enhancing customer engagement in Minnesota.

Interface of smartphone calling 612 area code.

Search Virtual Phone Numbers with 612 Area Code

Explore the available Calilio’s phone numbers with the 612 phone area code. Get one to build trust and credibility among Minneapolis customers.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Area Code 612 Location: Where Is It?

612 area code serves Minnesota and the surrounding areas. It covers cities such as Minneapolis, Richfield, St. Anthony, and Falcon Heights. The main metro area is Minneapolis, Minnesota’s most populated city, with a population of over 425K.

Area code 612 covers only one county, Hennepin, which is in the Central Time Zone. CT is six hours behind the UTC.







St. Anthony


Falcon Heights


History of 612 Area Code

Area code 612 started serving the southeastern portion of Minnesota in 1947 as its sole area code. However, it was split in 1996, requiring some phone numbers to be updated to area code 320.

Again, from 1998 to 2000, the 612 area code was divided into area codes 651, 952, and 763. 612 is Minnesota’s first area code, and the state currently has 8.

Smartphone showing a call to 612 area code number.

Minnesota’s Area Code 612: Exploring Business Scenario and Outlook

According to CNBC, Minnesota is the 6th top state for business. It serves as the hub for many companies, from small to large. The region offers a dynamic and diverse environment for operating any enterprise, providing great opportunities for newcomers.

Furthermore, according to IBISWorld, the GDP of the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” has grown by 1.4% and reached $394.7B, reflecting its strong economic base. Likewise, its three-year survival rate for small businesses is 63.97%, and its five-year rate is 53.51%, which ranks it fourth in the top ten states with the highest small business survival rate. Hence, starting a business there and choosing the 612 phone area code can be advantageous.

Additionally, Minnesota’s main metro city, Minneapolis, has an average annual household income of $108,980. Another impressive factor is its unemployment rate of 3.80%.

Moreover, the top industries include health care, manufacturing, professional/scientific services, and real estate. The leading employers of Minneapolis are UnitedHealth Group, Target, Best Buy, US Bank, 3M, Kindred Escrow Corp, Mayo Clinic, Fairview Health Services, Delta Air Lines, Medtronic, and others.

Sign up for Your 612 Phone Number with Calilio and Establish a Regional Identity in Minneapolis

612 Area Code Number as a Communication Tool for Business Growth

call whispering icon

Call Whispering

Listen to the ongoing calls between the agents and the customers to guide the former.

call recording icon

Call Recording

Record all conversations for future access in case of emergency or queries.

multi-user access icon

Multi-user Access

Allow the team members to communicate and collaborate using a single number.

voicemail to email icon

Voicemail to Email

Directly transfer the voicemails to your inbox, so you won't miss any important audio messages.

Why Does Your Business Need a 612 Area Code Number?

Acquiring a local 612 phone number can benefit your business by establishing a regional presence, fostering trust and credibility, and boosting SEO.

Minimizes Cost

Establishes a Regional Presence

Boosts SEO

Fosters Trust and Credibility

How to Get a Phone Number with Area Code 612?

Get a number with the 612 phone area code following these simple steps.


Register with Calilio.


Select a service plan.


Choose your desired number.


Purchase the number.


Customize its features and enjoy.

Port Your 612 Phone Number

If you already have a 612 area code number, you can transfer it to Calilio and use more advanced VoIP features.

A communication dashboard showcasing messages, stats, and 24x7 support.

Why Businesses Choose Calilio for Virtual 612 Area Code Number?

Calilio is a VoIP service provider that offers numbers with great advanced features and robust security at an affordable price.

step one icon

Easy Setup

Setting up a business phone system with us is straightforward. You can make and receive calls within minutes.

step two icon

Robust Security

Your security is our utmost priority. We secure all your sensitive data and information from being leaked with end-to-end encryption, firewalls, and voice security.

step three icon

Affordable Price

We offer virtual numbers at affordable plans starting from $12. You can even customize your own package.

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Advanced Features

Calilio offers great features, such as IVR (Interactive Voice Response), call sentimental analysis, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc., to streamline business communication.

612 Nearby Area Codes


Area Codes

St. Cloud, Minnesota320
Rochester, Minnesota507
Bloomington, Minnesota952
St. Paul, Minnesota651
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota763

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you live if your number starts with 612?

Can I port my existing 612 number to Calilio?

How many 612/Minnesota numbers can I have?

What area code is 612?

Streamline Your Business Communication with Calilio

Get 612 phone numbers and expand your company’s reach in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Buy it now!

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