201 Area Code

Get 201 Area Code For Regional Presence in Jersey City

Start building your local presence in Jersey City today with a 201 area code number from Calilio. Using the Jersey City number, you can win the trust of the local customers and boost your sales.

loaction 201 area code pinned with a cell phone

Search 201 Virtual Phone Number

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Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where is the 201 Area Code?

The 201 area code is located in northeastern New Jersey. Jersey City is the key city within this area code. It’s popular for its vibrant cultural scene, diverse population, and growing business environment.

This area code touches 2 counties, Hudson County and Bergen County. The major cities here include Jersey City, Kearny, Fort Lee, Union City, Bayonne, and Secaucus. These areas are home to 1.6 million people, which is 18% of New Jersey's population.

The area code 201 is in the Eastern Time Zone, following Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) in winter and Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4) in summer. The time shifts forward in summer to observe the daylight saving time.

Popular Cities

Total Population


Jersey City247,597


Union City66,455Hudson
Fair lawn32,457Bergen
Fort Lee35,345Bergen
West New York49,708Hudson
Palisades Park19,622Bergen

History of Area Code 201?

The 201 area code was introduced in 1917 by the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to cover New Jersey. During its initial days, this area code covered the entire state of New Jersey. However, it underwent several changes throughout its history to accommodate the increasing population and technological advancements.

In 1958, the southern part of New Jersey was assigned the new 609 area code. Later, in 1997, the 973 area code was introduced to serve northern parts of New Jersey. Despite these changes, the 201 remains a key identifier for Hudson and Bergen counties.

Traditional telephone and dialing interface of 201 area code in mobile

Exploring 201 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook

The area code 201 is a densely populated area in the northeastern region of the U.S. This means the businesses here can have a diverse customer base. Moreover, the area has the third-highest median household income in the U.S. at $96,675, which also benefits the business by providing the customers with great purchasing power.

New Jersey’s GDP in 2023 reached 656.48 billion U.S. dollars, up from 646.7 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year. The major industries in this area include insurance, technology, healthcare, and retail. Many successful companies began as small startups in this region. Notable examples include Audible, a leading audiobook platform, and Jet.com, an e-commerce giant acquired by Walmart.

201 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth

Call-on-hold music icon

Call-on-Hold Music

Play entertaining music or informative messages to keep customers engaged while they wait.

Call analytics icon

Call Analytics

Analyze call data to optimize performance and make informed business decisions for growth.

Pin messages

Pin Messages

Highlight and prioritize important messages for quick access and improved response times.

multiple Agents icon

Multiple Agents

Handle high call volumes with multiple agents to boost customer service and productivity.

Why Does Your Business Need a 201 Phone Number?

201 phone not only facilitates the phone calls from and to New Jersey. It establishes your local presence in the dynamic regions in the northeastern US. You can instantly connect with the local customer and aid business growth.

How to Get a 201 Virtual Phone Number?

With Calilio, it’s simple to get 201 virtual numbers. Follow these steps to start building your presence in New Jersey with ease.


Create your account on Calilio. Simply provide your basic information to register.


Explore our plans. Select the plan that suits your business needs.


Go to “Settings” > “My Numbers” > “Purchase Numbers”. Search and pick your perfect 201 virtual phone number.


Secure your chosen number following the prompt instructions to complete the payment.


Customize your new number to fit your business communication needs.

Already have a Jersey Phone Number?

Transfer your existing Jersey phone number on Calilio. Upgrade to advanced VoIP without losing your established business identity.

choose calilio for 201 area code numbers

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For Virtual 201 Number?

Calilio offers more than just a phone service; we provide a comprehensive communication solution that evolves with your needs. Our feature-rich 201 number aids efficient operations and improve customer service. That’s not all. We regularly update and upgrade our platform so that your business always has access to the latest technological advancements.

Step 1 icon

Easy-to-Use Interface

Experience advanced but easy-to-use communication tools. You wouldn’t require technical expertise to use our platform.

step 2 icon

24/7 Customer Support

Day or night, our team is ready to assist with any issues or questions to ensure uninterrupted business operations.

Step 3 icon

Unified Callbox

Use a single platform for all your communication channels - message, video conferencing, or voice calls.

Step 4 icon

Reliable Connectivity

Our robust network infrastructure provides stable and reliable service; no need to worry about dropped calls or poor connections.

Nearby Area Code

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862, 973 





Frequently Asked Questions

What area code is 201 in Texas?

Is 201 a valid area code?

What area codes are 201 and 973?

Is it easy to get a Jersey City 201 phone number?

Ready to Access Growing Business Market of Jersey City?

Acquire 201 area code number on Calilio and establish your business presence in Jersey City. Join us today.

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