732 Area Code

Get 732 Area Code Numbers For Local Presence in Toms River

A local phone number with a 732 area code helps you to expand your business in Toms River. Using this area code number makes your business look local in New Jersey and encourages local customers to engage with you.

dialing interface of 732 area code phone number

Search 732 area code virtual phone numbers

Browse our extensive selection of 732 area code virtual numbers and select one that suits your business identity.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where Is Area Code 732?

Area code 732 is located in central New Jersey. It covers the area between the Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean, touching 5 counties - Union, Middlesex, Ocean, Somerset, and Monmouth.

The major cities within the 732 area code include Toms River, Lakewood, New Brunswick, Sayreville, Rahway, Iselin, and Carteret. The region is home to more than 2 million people. This dense population can benefit businesses in this area, offering a large customer base.

The 732 area code operates in the Eastern Time Zone, which aligns with major markets on the East Coast, including New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. - another key benefit for businesses in this area.

Popular Cities

Total Population 


Toms River









Long Branch






New Brunswick


















Bound Brook



Long Branch



Perth Amboy



Point Pleasant



History of 732 Area Code

Originally, the 908 area code entirely covered the regions that the 732 area code covers today. It was in 1997 that the 732 area code was introduced as an overlay to 908 to address the growing demand for telephone numbers in central New Jersey.

Despite the introduction of the new area code, central New Jersey once again faced a shortage of new numbers within the next few years. To accommodate this constantly increasing demand, an 848 area code was added on December 29, 2001. Today, the area codes 848 and 732 co-exist to serve a large portion of New Jersey, including Toms River. 

old landline and mobile with 732 area code numebr

Exploring 732 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook

The 732 area code, especially in the Toms River region, has a diverse business outlook. The businesses from diverse sectors including transportation, tourism, banking, healthcare, education, and construction, are found here. Currently, there are nearly 5,200 businesses operating in the region. The notable companies include Johnson & Johnson, Merrill Lynch, Verizon, and AT&T.

The area code 732 is not only the base for the established companies but also a great place to start a business. The region’s startup survival rate of 79.60 % reflects its supportive environment for new ventures. Moreover, Toms Rivers has a high median household income of $102,966, which indicates a robust customer base. 

732 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth

Web App/App Dialer icon

Web App/App Dialer

Make calls directly from your web browser or mobile app to easily start connecting.

Bulk SMS Campaign icon

Bulk SMS Campaign

Send targeted bulk SMS campaigns to reach and engage with the vast customer base.

Voicemail By Email icon

Voicemail By Email

Receive voicemail messages directly in your email inbox for convenient and timely follow-up.

Queue Call Back icon

Queue Call Back

Offer customers to receive a callback instead of waiting on hold and improve satisfaction.

Why Does Your Business Need a 732 Area Code Number?

A 732 area code phone number boosts your business’s local presence in Toms River. You get the local identity, which helps build trust with customers. This increases customer engagement, ultimately resulting in business growth.

Build Local Trust

Local Networking

Expand Business Reach

Strengthen Professional Image

Improve Call Answer Rates

How to Get a Virtual Phone Number with Area Code 732?

Calilio offers an easy way to acquire a virtual phone number with area code 732. Follow these simple steps:

step one

Sign Up

Create your Calilio account. Enter your details and verify your email address.

step two

Choose a Plan

Explore our range of VoIP plans and select the one that best fits your business needs.

step three

Pick a Number

Go to “Settings” > “My Numbers” > “Purchase Numbers.” Select your desired 732 area code number.

step four

Proceed with Payment

Complete your purchase by following the on-screen instructions to secure your new phone number.

step five

Customize Settings

As your number activates, access its settings and customize features as you prefer.

Already Have a Local Phone Number with 732 Area Code?

Use our number porting service to integrate advanced VoIP features into your existing 732 area code phone number. Upgrade your communication tool without losing your established identity.

a unified call box dashboard with people connecting seamlessly

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For Virtual 732 Number?

Activate your virtual 732 number using our effortless setup process to connect with Toms River, New Jersey, customers instantly. And after activation, you can use your number on multiple platforms. No matter the device you choose, the connectivity is first-class.

24/7 Customer Support

Access round-the-clock customer support for any issues or questions you may have with your Toms River phone number.

High-Quality Call Performance

Experience crystal-clear call quality. With us, you’ll rarely experience connectivity issues.

Easy Scalability

It’s easy to add new lines on Calilio’s 732 area code number. Effortlessly scale your phone system as your business grows.

Customizable Settings

Tailor your phone system settings to match your business requirements and needs in Toms River.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the area code for New Jersey?

Is the 732 area code a toll-free number?

What area codes are 732 and 908?

Is 732 a Florida area code?

Can I transfer my existing New Jersey Number to Calilio?

Connect to Diverse Business Market in Toms River Today

Don't miss out on the vibrant market in Toms River. Get your 732 area code number on Calilio now and enjoy the benefits of a local presence.

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