336 Area Code

Get 336 Area Code For Regional Presence in Greensboro, North Carolina

Improve your business visibility and presence in Greensboro, North Carolina, with the 336 area code phone number on Calilio. This area code establishes a strong local presence and maintains trust with potential customers.

a cell phone with a 336 area code location pin

Search 336 Virtual Phone Number

Calilio offers an extensive range of virtual phone numbers with a 336 area code. Choose the number that best suits your business identity in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where is Area Code 705 Located?

Area code 705 is located in Ontario, Canada's second-largest province. 705 has two overlay codes, 249 and 683. It serves the province's northeastern region, covering several cities, towns, and rural areas. Some major cities that fall under this 705 are Huntsville, Barrie, and Greater Sudbury, the largest city under the 705 phone code. 705 follows the Eastern Time Zone.

Popular Cities

Population (approx)

Time Zone



Eastern Daylight Time Zone

Greater Sudbury


Eastern Daylight Time Zone



Eastern Daylight Time Zone



Eastern Daylight Time Zone

Kawartha Lakes


Eastern Daylight Time Zone



Eastern Daylight Time Zone



Eastern Daylight Time Zone

History of 705 Phone Number in Canada

The 705 area code was introduced in 1957 as one of the original 86 area codes. It was created from portions of area codes 613 and 519, serving Northeastern and Central Ontario. Over the following decades, the demand for phone numbers grew, and area code 705 was nearing exhaustion. To address this, area code 249 was introduced on March 19, 2011, as an overlay for the same region.

With the introduction of area code 249, 10-digit dialing became mandatory. The continuous growth in demand for phone numbers in Ontario led to the introduction of area code 683 on June 18, 2022, as an overlay for the same region covered by 705 and 249.

history of 705  area code

Exploring 336 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook

Greensboro, the key area in the 336 area code, is the largest city in North Carolina with a dense population. The city is home to 305,314 people and is a hub for diverse industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, education, and technology due to its strategic location. 

The average household income in Greensboro is $81,895. It reflects that the city has a strong economic base, which is beneficial for any businesses within this area. This is why the city is also home to many top companies in the US. Some examples include Volvo Group Trucks, Honda Aircraft Company, Wake Forest University, North Carolina A&T State University, and VF Corporation.

Access Advanced Business Features With a Sudbury Phone Number

number sharing icon

Number Sharing

Simplify communication by sharing a phone number with multiple users and devices

live call monitoring icon

Live Call Monitoring

Provide real-time suggestions by managing customer interactions and analyzing call quality.

Internal Message icon

Internal Message

Facilitate communication and collaboration among members with secure messaging.

Daily Agent Report icon

Daily Agent Report

Identify trends and areas of improvement with everyday performance insights.

Most Used Words icon

Most Used Words

Pinpoint key concerns with easy identification of frequently used terms.

Call Flip icon

Call Flip

Switch live calls between devices without interruption.

How to Get a Local 705 Barrie Area Code Number From Calilio?


Enter your sign-up details and verify your email.


Pick the best plan for your business in Ontario, Canada.


Port your existing phone number or buy a new one.


Customize features for your 705 phone number.


Allocate numbers to your team members and start communicating.

Already have a Greensboro Phone Number?

Enjoy exclusive VoIP features without changing your current Greensboro phone number. Port your number on Calilio.

benefits of getting local ontario number from calilio

Benefits of Getting a Local Ontario Number From Calilio

Getting a local Canadian number from Calilio can enhance trust among your Canadian customers. It improves accessibility and lowers international call costs, encouraging more customer calls.

step one icon

Advanced Call Management Features

Calilio offers advanced call management features, such as call recording and storage, conference calls, and CRM, which is capable of analyzing and optimizing customer interactions.

step two icon

Secure Communications

For secure communication among team members, Calilio allows internal communication. This ensures that your team can share information and collaborate securely within the system.

step three icon

Integration With Business Tools

Calilio syncs calls with your CRM, keeping customer interactions aligned and reducing the need to visit multiple platforms. This integration streamlines your workflow and enhances productivity.

step four icon

Performance Tracking

You can easily track your team's performance by reviewing insights on trends and areas of improvement. Calilio provides detailed analytics to help you monitor and enhance your team's efficiency.

Nearby Area Code

Popular Cities

Area Codes

Bristol, VA276
Greensboro, NC336, 743
Lynchburg, VA434
Fayetteville, NC472, 910
Charlotte, NC704, 980
Asheville, NC828
Raleigh919, 984
Chattanooga, TN423

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you live if your number starts with 336?

Is 336 a Florida area code?

Is the 336 area code a toll-free number?

Can I have multiple 336 phone numbers for my business?

Elevate Your Business Communication with 336 Area Code Number

Get a feature-rich 336 area code phone number from Calilio to boost your team communication and business operation in Greensboro. Get started today.

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