681 Area Code

Get 681 Area Code Numbers To Create a Local Presence in West Virginia

Buy a phone number with the 681 area code from Calilio and strengthen your presence in West Virginia. Enhance credibility and connect closely with Charleston customers.

On mobile phone surface showing 681 area code

Search Virtual Numbers with 681 Area Code

Explore Calilio’s list of virtual numbers with the 681 area code to expand your business reach in West Virginia.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Area Code 681 Location

The 681 area code is located in West Virginia, covering major cities like Charleston, Huntington, Parkersburg, Morgantown, Wheeling, and Weirton. It spans over 55 counties, including Kanawha, Berkeley, Cabell, Monongalia, and Wood.

The main city within this region is Charleston, with more than 48K residents.

The whole region operates under the Eastern Time Zone (ET). It is 5 hours behind the Coordinated Time Zone at Standard Time and 4 hours behind during Daylight Saving Time.


Total Population





















Teays Valley


South Charleston


St. Albans






History of 681 Area Code

681 area code has been implemented since March 28, 2009, and was one of the 8 area codes introduced that year. It was the 2nd area code in West Virginia, which only has 2, and was introduced as the 338th area code in service.

Well, 681 was brought as an overlay for area code 304, as the latter was on the verge of exhaustion.

switched from retro phone to smartphone

681 Area Code Region: Business Scenario and Outlook

Charleston, the most populated city among the territories using the 681 area code, is renowned for its historical buildings, old colonial homes, churches, notable parks, gardens, beautiful picturesque streets, and courtyards.

Some of the major sectors in this region include education, health care, public administration, and waste management services. Plus, the top employers are Charleston Area Medical Center Health System, Kanawha County Board of Education, Kanawha County Schools, State of West Virginia, Walmart, University of Charleston, and Heyward-Washington House.

Charleston’s GDP has been increasing in recent years and was $56.9 billion in 2022 alone. Moreover, the Cog City’s unemployment rate is 4.3%, and the median household income is $58,902.

Furthermore, West Virginia has the 10th-best business climate in the US, with a business survival rate of 57.08%. So, starting or expanding a business after purchasing a number with the 681 phone area code can be fruitful in the state.

Sign up with Calilio and Expand Your Business with 681 Phone Number.

681 Area Code Number: Communication Tool For Business Growth

call forwarding icon

Call Forwarding

Redirect calls to a different number or device when unavailable/busy to reduce missed calls.

automatic call distribution icon

Automatic Call Distribution

Receive calls automatically and distribute them amongst the available agents until picked up.

voicemail to email icon


Receive voicemail straight to your inbox, allowing quick replies even if you are not using your phone.

bulk sms icon

Bulk SMS Campaigns

Send bulk SMS to broaden the marketing reach at once and save time.

Reasons to Get a 681 Phone Area Code for Business

From targeting locals to expanding business internationally, 681 numbers have many benefits.

Expands Market Reach

Enhances Brand Recognition

Saves Money

Boosts Local SEO

Steps to Get a Phone Number with the Area Code 681

Follow the given steps to get your desired number.


Create an account with Calilio.


Choose the best plan.


Explore the available 681 phone numbers.


Select and complete the payment process.


Customize its features once the number is activated.

Port Your Phone Numbers to Calilio

Transfer your existing 681 area code number to Calilio and utilize its advanced features for a better communication experience.

calilio dashboard showing business benefits

Choose Calilio for a 681 Phone Number to Boost Your Business Communication

Enhance your local presence in West Virginia and surrounding counties with a 681 phone number from Calilio for the following reasons.

step one icon

Easy Setup

Calilio has a user-friendly interface, and the setup process is simple. You won't have any difficulties even while operating it.

step two icon

High-Quality Calls

We offer a crystal-clear communication experience, ensuring every user's interaction is interruption-free and professional.

step three icon

Cost-Effective Plans

Our phone system provides services at affordable prices, starting at just $12, making quality communication accessible for all-sized businesses.

step four icon


With our robust data encryption and multi-factor authentication, all your files and sensitive information are safe from any possible breaches.

681 Nearby Area Codes


Area Codes

Newark, Ohio

220, 740

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

223, 717

Germantown, Maryland

227, 240, 301

Akron, Ohio

234, 330

Scranton, Pennsylvania

272, 570

Bristol, Virginia


West Virginia


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Toledo, Ohio

419, 567

Lynchburg, Virginia


Roanoke, Virginia

540, 826

Erie, Pennsylvania

582, 814

Ashland, Kentucky


Richmond, Virginia

686, 804

New Castle, Pennsylvania


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is Area Code 681 Located?

Which Time Zone Does 681 Area Code Follows?

How Many 681 or West Virginia Phone Numbers Can I Have?

Can I Port My Existing 681 Number to Calilio?