781 Area Code

Get 781 Area Code Number For a Local Presence in Boston, Massachusetts

Obtain the Massachusetts’ 781 area code number to establish your business in its thriving market. Calilio allows you to manage your firm with advanced VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology and its features.

dailing interface of 781 area code of mobile

Where Is Area Code 781?

Area code 781 is located in Eastern Massachusetts, serving the surrounding area of  Boston. It includes the cities of Waltham, Malden, Lynn, Medford, and Weymouth Town.

This area code serves counties such as Suffolk, Middlesex, Plymouth, Essex, and Norfolk, and all of them follow the Eastern Time Zone. The population of Boston city is 675,647.

Popular Cities

Total Population



History of 781 Area Code

Area code 781 was created on September 1, 1997. It was one of the 43 area codes added that year and 213rd in service.

The 781 area code was created as an overlay to the 617 area code due to the growing demand for phone numbers in the region. In 2001, the 339 area code was introduced as an overlay to the 781 regions to meet the continuous demand for phone numbers.

traditional telephone and dialing interface of 781 area code number in mobile

Business in the 781 Area Code: Current Trends and Future Outlook

Nicknamed Beantown, Boston has various educational institutions, such as Harvard University and MIT, and healthcare facilities, including Massachusetts General Hospital.

Furthermore, Boston has a strong presence in professional, scientific, and management services. This region is a key hub for banking and insurance and real estate and rental operations are highly active there.

The median household income in Boston is $96,931, whereas the employment rate is 68.2%.

Additionally, the state has a strong survival rate of 80.50%, making it a great place to live and with favorable conditions for residents.

Nearby Area Code


Area Codes

Boston, MA339, 781 
Lowell, MA351, 978
Providence, RI401
Worcester, MA508, 774
Boston, MA617, 857

Connect With Boston Market Seamlessly

Acquire a 781 area code number from Calilio and reach out to Boston Market. Grow your local presence in the city.

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