252 Area Code
Get 252 Area Code For Regional Presence in Greenville, North Carolina
Using a local phone number with a 252 area code boosts your business reach and presence in Greenville, North Carolina. This area code helps you to build a local brand image. This encourages engagement as people often prefer dealing with local businesses.

Search 252 Virtual Phone Number
Explore the extensive range of 252 virtual phone numbers on calilio and find the perfect match for your Greenville business.
Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.
Where is the 252 Area Code?
The 252 area code covers northeastern North Carolina, serving cities like Greenville, New Bern, Elizabeth City, Kinston, Outer Banks, and Rocky Mount. It touches 30 counties, including Pitt, Craven, Nash, Wilson, Lenoir, Edgecombe, Halifax, Carteret, Beaufort, and Vance counties.
This area code has a total population of 611,784, serving a diverse population. Urban centers like Greenville and New Bern are the cities with the most population. On the other hand, towns like Kitty Hawk and Kill Devil Hills are less populated.
This area code operates under the Eastern timezone, which is usually five hours behind UTC/GMT. This is one of the important time zones in the US, as half of the population in the country lives in this time zone.
Cities Population County 84,554 57,477 29,524 18,683 49,167 21,677 9,744 15,754 20,735 11,415 5,511 5,004 5,039 6,683 Kitty Hawk 3,272Greenville Pitt Rocky Mount Edgecombe New Bern Craven Elizabeth City Pasquotank Wilson Wilson Kinston Lenoir Washington Beaufort Roanoke Rapids Halifax Havelock Craven Tarboro Edgecombe Williamston Martin Edenton Chowan Ahoskie Hertford Kill Devil Hills Dare Dare
History of Area Code 252?
Area code 252 was established on March 22, 1998, as a split from area code 919 to meet the growing demand for telephone numbers in eastern North Carolina. North Carolina currently has 10 area codes, and 252 is the 5th area code in the state of North Carolina.
The new 252 area code was created to cover the broad and diverse geographic areas in northeastern Carolina. Today, it primarily serves the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan area and surrounding regions.

Exploring 252 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook
Greenville, a vibrant city in North Carolina within the 252 area code, is known for its outstanding healthcare facilities, like Vidant Medical Center. The region also has a strong manufacturing base, with companies involved in textiles, machinery, and food processing. Besides, the area also thrives in the industrial sectors like education and agriculture.
Pharmaceutical companies and technology firms have also found immense success in this area. Pharmaceutical companies like Mayne Pharma and Patheon and technology firms such as Thermo Fisher Scientific are leading their respective industrial sectors.
The area code 252 has an expansive population. Over 1 million people reside in this region. Their average household income is around $74,240 per year, according to the data from US Census. This means people here also have strong purchasing power, which is another perk for businesses in this region.
252 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth
Bulk SMS Campaign
Our 252 area code number lets you send bulk SMS to reach a vast audience with a single text message.
Voicemail By Email
Get voicemail messages straight to your email inbox for time-saving and convenient access to important communications
Call Analytics
Call analytics helps to collect detailed insights into your agent performance, allowing businesses to make better decisions regarding quality service.
Queue Call back
Queue callback feature lets callers request a return phone call with the push of a button once the caller becomes available.
Why Does Your Business Need a 252 Phone Number?
Whether you're a local business looking to increase your reach or a startup seeking to establish roots, a 252 phone number establishes your business presence in Greenville, North Carolina. It builds local trust and improves your overall business growth.

Local Trust Building
Recognition and growth
Increases brand value
Save Costs
How to Get a 252 Virtual Phone Number?
Calilio offers to effortlessly elevate your business presence in Greensville. Follow these straightforward steps to obtain a virtual phone number with area code 252.

Create an account on Calilio. Our user-friendly interface ensures your registration is effortless.

Review our plans, comparing the features against your business needs. Select the one that aligns best with your communication goals.

Browse through the list of available 252 numbers. Choose one that resonates or holds significance for your brand.

Complete the payment process and secure your chosen number following the on-screen instructions.

After securing your 252 virtual number, customize your settings. Set up features as per your business requirements
Already have a North Carolina Phone Number?
Transfer your existing 252 phone number from your current service provider to Calilio. Upgrade to advanced VoIP without changing your number.

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For Virtual 252 Number?
Calilio offers a hassle-free setup process to connect you with local Greenville, North Carolina. Its easy and quick process setup will not only provide you with effortless service but also provide you with many additional features to make your call experience better.

Quality Communication:
Calilio's robust technology ensures high-quality connections and clear and smooth communication. Experience high-quality calls without any service interruptions.

Robust Security:
Calilio understands the value of business information. It delivers secure communications with advanced security features, protecting sensitive business information.

24/7 Support:
Calilio provides 24/7 support to resolve any issues promptly, keeping your business running smoothly. You can call us at any time for any queries.

Cost-Effective Solutions:
Calilio provides quality-driven business communication solutions at an affordable pricing plan. We offer a range of VoIP plans, with the basic plans starting as low as $12.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Who is calling from 252?
What area code is 252 in the state of California?
Can I transfer my 252 number to Calilio?
Ready to take Your Business Communication to the next level with a 252 Area Code Number?
Enjoy the exceptional business communication feature on Calilio’s 252 area code number and elevate your business to new heights.